Brain Waves

And Peace of Mind

text published 2015, updated 2019


Our brain, the computer behind our eyes is a very powerful and complex organ, and neither special modern science nor individual experts alone, nor a particular group of scientists can confirm exactly how many percent of that powerful computer we really use. Even with modern technology, frequencies of brain waves (and peace of mind) appear to be different from the science of one expert than the science of another.

Our brain is the center of our nervous system that controls all the organs in our body. In this box behind our eyes live billions of cells that have one phenomenal electro-chemical communication even when we are sleeping. An electronic network in the brain collects data from the environment, packs it and processes it in different ways. That is how it happens while we are awake.

How Deep Relaxation and Peace of Mind Affect the Brain


The electronic communication between the billions of nerve cells, those little brain curriers, happens in waves. These waves have their own rhythm and they pass at different speeds per second.

How many circles a wave passes through our brain is called brain frequency. These electrical signals are measured by an instrument called a EEG hood that looks like a comby rubber cap with circles always aligned in the same place. The cap is sometimes 19, 32, most often 21, and super experts also use 256 bubbles or electrodes, which are attached to the instrument cable. The resulting diagram is called an electroencephalogram (EEG).

The EEG measures the electronic activity of the brain, more precisely the cortex. The unit of this frequency is Hertz.

Modern instruments can measure human brain frequencies up to 100 Hz.

Just like the sea, brain waves can be larger or smaller, depending on what our brain is currently engaged in. The fastest waves are called gamma and the slowest delta waves. The waveforms and amplitudes are different. Amplitude is that which is as far as possible from its calmest point.

The cap and circles not only measure the discharge of waves and the potential of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, but also the electronic potentials of the skin and muscles of the head, so the EEG method is not definitive and precise.

Neurologists do not agree on the exact limits of human brain frequencies, especially between waves with multiple oscillations per second, but most researchers agree that brain waves move at these speeds:

Gamma Brain Waves
over 30 Hz


These are the fastest waves of very small vibration, amplitude, which means that these waves consume less energy even though they are moving fast.

The brain waves of a man in the highest state of Samadhi are moving at this speed.

When the brain works on the frequency of gamma waves, consciousness is at the highest level of perception, memory, concentration, insight but also happiness, compassion, peace of mind, self-control, a sense of unity.

In the highest state of meditation, waves with this frequency move through the brain. Gamma waves combine actions and information in the brain. They merge with each other just as knowledge merges in the state of samadhi.


Visions happen.

Tenderness, honesty and love strengthen the gamma waves in the brain.

The possibility of programming the mind under these waves is unknown until now.

Gamma waves are still very little known to doctors, neurologists and psychologists. Yet in these professional circles, gamma waves are associated with high-performance qualities (German: Spitzenleistung), mystical and transcendental experiences.

Beta Brain Waves
13-30 Hz


This is the most active state of our consciousness in our daily lives.

It is a wakeful state where the brain transmits information, scans it, cuts, connects, splits, analyzes, judges, makes decisions.

The hormone (a chemical that transmits information between centers in the brain) that is released from the epiphysis (an organ in the center of the brain the size of a pea grain, a physical connection to the „third eye“) is serotonin.

It balances the mood, the appetite, our weight. High levels of this chemical lead us to uncontrollable hyperactivity, anxiety, alcoholism, and serotonin deficiency to depression.

Adrenal glands (organs above the kidneys) secrete cortisol, the so-called stress hormone. This chemical interferes when our immunity increases but also when the body needs to defend itself against infection.

The body does not regenerate when beta-waves pass through our brain.


These are waves of consciousness.

Alpha Brain Waves
8-13 Hz


A conscious relaxation, a state of deep relaxation.

A state of conscious dreaming, fantasy, a state when the eyes are closed, a relaxed state but no sleep. Peace of mind in this state leads to a deeper state of consciousness but in which it is present.

The body and mind are refreshed and brought into harmony.

This is the frequency of brain waves when we are in nature, that is, when we connect with it (not valid for staying in nature in the presence of people who do not stop talking because the brain is then loaded with beta brain frequencies where the mind is always alert).

In this condition, serotonin, the so-called hormone of joy and happiness, is released.

Through the subconscious, consciousness comes to a state of superconsciousness.

The brain remembers dreams (through the subconscious) and experiences from meditation.

Images that occur in the brain under alpha waves are colorful.


The ability to program the mind is not as effective, although the effect on mindfulness is possible.


It is a state of deep relaxation, conscious dreaming, a state when the eyes are closed, relaxed state but it is not a sleeping state. Calmness in this state leads to deeper state of consciousness.

The body and mind are refreshed and brought into the harmony. This is the frequency of the brain waves when we are in touch with nature.

The waves of superconscious mind.

Theta Brain Waves
3-8 Hz


In this state the senses are withdrawn from the outside world.

This is also a state of great fatigue before we fall asleep, a state of sleep, dreaming – the REM phase (rapid eye movement, a phase where the eye muscles are very active, the eyes move quickly with the eyelids closed, the pulse and blood pressure increase, the deep sleep phase), a state of hypnosis, deep meditations, daydreams, fantasies, imaginations.

Addictions are healed, inner wisdom awakens.

This is a state of recognition of something higher, something that the rational mind in a purely awake state cannot recognize.

The brains of babies and young children up to the age of four are active on theta waves.

In this condition occurs spontaneous solving of the problem that has been bothering you for days.

It is said that the mind is easiest to program when the brain is working with the Theta waves.

Theta waves are less colorful, usually blue.

Delta Brain Waves
0,2-3 Hz


These are the slowest waves and with the highest amplitude.

Delta waves are a dreamless state of sleep, the deepest meditation, the deepest relaxation.

These waves bring a tremendous sense of peace and transformation.

In this condition the cells of the body are renewed. Conversely, if enough delta waves do not pass through the brain within a certain time, one feels tired and faint.

These brain waves affect the pineal gland secreting anti-aging hormone, growth hormone and melatonin. That tiny gland in the center of our brain responds to light and secretes this hormone when there is no light.

Melatonin is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are the molecules that are the best warriors against free radicals, which are again the biggest enemy of health.

Free radicals are small units that are in normal states very important because they regulate many processes in the body. However, under some circumstances, they react differently and then, in contact with other parts of the body, they can be harmful and cause serious illness to the entire body. Stress, aging, injuries, radiation, medicines and drugs, air pollution, poor nutrition, but above all negative thoughts, are sources of harm in our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Antioxidants fight harmful free radicals. They regenerate the body and boost the immune system.


For these reasons, deep, complete relaxation is very necessary because then the antioxidants, these important warriors against disease and aging, are released in the most natural way.


Delta brain waves are waves of the unconscious state of consciousness.

Improvement of Mental, Physical and Emotional Activity


The brain is one composition through which electrical waves go, which means that it is constantly energized and emptied.

Now, we spend most of the day guided by very active waves, beta brain waves. Excessive activity brings us sleepless nights, restless breathing, and a wavy mind.

As soon as you turn off the light, lie down on the floor and begin practicing deep, complete relaxation, or Yoga Nidra, the most active frequencies in the brain will be switched off and replaced by alpha states.

The alpha state will very quickly turn into a delta state that regenerates our complete body-mind system without exception and without error. In the delta state of consciousness live the samskaras which are impressions from our entire lives, even before coming here.


Yoga Nidra belongs to the delta state of consciousness.


Deep relaxation and relaxation brings tremendous peace, transformation and regeneration of the spirit as every single cell in the body.

Yoga Nidra, the delta of brain frequency (and peace of mind) gives you access to unconscious information in your brain, the samskaras.

Research on Deep Relaxation


The impact of purposeful, deep relaxation, Yoga Nidra, conscious breathing, the influence of meditation and performing asanas on the mental and physical state of people was known to the ancient people of India. Without the power of modern machines, these ancients recognized and confirmed the immense potential of the human brain.

Today’s experts are trying to confirm what the ancient peoples wrote about centuries ago. Research on how deep relaxation, meditation, breathing consciousness, mindfulness, the frequency of waves in music, the energy of positive or negative thoughts or words, kindness or rudeness, direct expression or sarcasm, and all other aspects of human existence are today more numerous.

The frequencies and phenomena of the human brain in general have been in my sphere of interest since my school days. The text you are currently reading is a version of text in English I wrote on this site in 2015.

Since then, no epochal insights have occurred. However, scholars around the world are striving to validate the knowledge that Indian sages and yogis have written about centuries ago.

Some of the results of research on the impact of yoga techniques on various brain activities can be found in books written by neurologists around the world, on digital libraries, and generally on the Internet (of course, not every single text on the most extensive and serious topic of frequency brain and peace of mind on the Internet should be readily accepted). One recent, very brief account of how Yoga Nidra affects students‘ mental and physical abilities can be read on this page.


brain waves

The Crank That Empowers the Brain


The quality of every human being (of course without major brain damage) or better, the quality of his or her life activities are determined by the brain waves.

There are many reasons why all of us, whether we are students or young people still overstuffed with adrenaline or being age 50+, should immediately and firmly decide to relax deeply every day. Even a short withdraw of the senses from outside traffic can bring tremendous peace of mind and great transformations.

Our body, our spirit and our soul will be grateful to us for only the (initial) ten minutes of daily and conscious relaxation. Only ten minutes without mobile, without computer, without following “events” on facebook and other social networks, and of course with positive intentions and desires, first of all toward one’s own mind and body.

Over time, the mind will learn to appreciate both the theta and alpha states of mind and consciousness, and to use them for the most beautiful sense of human life. And that is inner peace of mind, harmony of thoughts and feelings, balance between giving and taking, what all life is about.

The ability to transform the consciousness and the ability of evolution of the soul is the greatest gift to a living human being.

In a state of peace of mind, we will not only be able to see the shapes, colors, movements, postures and meaning of what we see outside and inside us with other eyes and love people with other frequencies, but we will also come closer to Mother Earth and its waves, the Schumann resonances *.

These waves of Mother Earth, Schumann resonances rotate continuously around the entire Earth, establishing harmony between all living beings on Earth. We are between Earth, this electromagnetic sphere, and Universe. And since everything is connected, even the smallest energy disorder in one person is very quickly transmitted to another.

The low frequencies of the human brain and the peace of mind, therefore, bring harmony:

– between human hearts

– between the human and the heart of the Earth

– between the heart of the universe and the heart of the Earth

– between the universe and the heart of all humans on Earth


Therefore, work on relaxation of course using only the natural potentials of your mind. Start with just ten minutes a day. Each one of you certainly has a lot more than ten minutes time.

Once a lazy mind establishes self-discipline, it will become independent and resistant to both its laziness and external interferences.

This is how you protect yourself, the great mother who nourishes and carries you, Mother Earth, and the even greater mother, the Universe.


This is how low brain frequencies and peace of mind affect the evolution of consciousness.