Siddhi is a Sanskrit word meaning “perfection”. Siddhis are occult and psychic powers that are awakened by the control over the psychical elements.

Siddha is the accomplished, perfected soul. It is a person who has fully developed his pranic or psychic capacity of body, mind and spirit and who has control over the mind, spirit, elements and nature.

Siddhartha is the one who has accomplished his being. (Siddharta Gautama is the name of Buddha, the founder of Buddhism in the sixth Century before Christianity).

To achieve supernatural powers is possible for any person involved in any deeper spiritual practice, Spiritual practices could be birth (lived as a practice), “planned” or “not planned” asceticism, “planed” or “not planned” mortification, the use of herbs or powerful sacred words, mantras, or Samadhi.

Siddha is a human being just like any other. The only difference is that siddha has more developed occult and psychic powers than other people. There is no need to be afraid of such person.

Also remember, one should never desire or try to achieve siddhi. Such desire and trial can bring real catastrophic chaos to life, both to the life of those who crave such powers and those around them. However, life will bring such people to the great exam anyway.

Yoga Sutra 4.1:

The siddhis (powers) are attained by birth (janma), herbs (ausadhi), mantras (powerful words), asceticism or mortification (tapah), or by samadhi.

Occult or Psychic Powers Attained by Birth


Some people are born with bigger ability to achieve super powers of mind and spirit than others. The gift itself is already a kind of a “practice” although the person who posses the gift may be not aware of it for a longer period of his or her life.

The quality of living, thinking, saying and doing, and the quantity of effort to overcome personal karmas will determine whether and when such a particularly gifted person will recognize these powers.

The power of the spirit is given by birth cannot be avoided.

This power is very unique and not it is not a mistakable power of mind, heart and soul. And it cannot be confused with the egotistical behavior of egotists.

Occult or Psychic Powers Attained by Asceticism


Permanent and constant poverty is a kind of “not planned” spiritual practice. It can develope huge powers of both heart and spirit.

Witdrawal of the senses from the outer world is “planed” ascetic practice.

If one withdraws from others in order to escape the obligations that life imposes on him daily and inevitably (modern Ashrams and similar so-called spiritual places are good examples of such evasions) then this is a false practice of asceticism. Nothing worthwhile is born of this escape.

The power attained by true asceticism be that a physical withdraw or other kind, is a very special and completely different power.

The vibrations of true spiritual power cannot be misunderstood because these vibrations are vibrations of the heart that are equal with the vibrations of the Universe.


Occult or Psychic Powers Attained by Mortification


Those whom these powers are given by birth life will permanently provoke setting new tasks. Such people will, by the very nature of the nature of all appearances on the Earth, in the Cosmos and space between, be continually exposed to insults and humiliations of other people.

If true, their occult and psychic power will be even stronger with each new insult and every new humiliation. And insults and humiliations will thus be just a dull trial of making a stormy cloud.

Powers Attained by Herbs


These are special ceremonial herbs and sacred plants.

On the beautiful planet Earth, plants grew for millions of years before man stood upright on two legs.


So are ceremonies and rituals old as human being. In the beginning, man has adored and believed in power of Sun. As he matured intellectually (he should grow) he began to invent one religion after another. So he begun to separate himself from the nature and all other humans.

The Indian Vedas are the oldest spiritual texts saved on Earth. Rig Veda and Atharva Veda describe these ceremonies. In India soma was the sacred drink and it was used by sages and yogis  to awaken immortality and spiritual power. It is believed that soma was a mix of plants. Among others there was one kind of a rich Ephedra family plants.

Soma is in Yoga (Kundalini-Tantra-Hatha) also the nectar of immorality, life elixir. It is a secretion from the brain which is (can be, it is not a rule of course, in contrary, people who have experienced the real taste and spirituality of soma are rare) released due to advanced Pranayama practices.

Vedas and Hinduism in general is the most open system of belief (fanatics I do not count here. Religious fanaticism is everywhere and always the same regardless of what the background system of thought or belief is called).

The Vedas deal with man. Vedas recognize man in all his spheres of existence. Hinduism is the only religion that recognizes sex, there is even a special practice, the so-called red Tantra. Vama Marga, marga– hand, vama marga– left hand, not to be confused with the so-called white Tantra, the sublime, very old and deeply spiritual teachings that deals with higher levels and transformation of human consciousness to its super-consciousness.

Vedas talk about higher levels and transformation of human consciousness and they recognize and accept all other systems. There are hunderds of different ceremonies in India, as there are many different kind of adorations.

Rituals with fire include plants (flowers, bark, leaves, seeds, roots) and in India they are called homa or pooja or hawana.

Street drugs and other western man-made synthetically entheogens only have a short-time experience and have no power of siddhi perfection.

Powers Attained by Mantra


Mantra is a sum of words of fine vibrations of sound. The mantra releases energy in the mind and expand consciousness. And so is its effect. Mantra can be pronounced loudly or in the mind.


Even though in this moment many people are coming together to sit and chant Sanskrit mantras, yet many still have a huge problem feeling, understanding, accepting and chanting yogic mantas. Mostly, these are people who have decided to be connected to a certain system of thought or belief.

The modern Western mind generally functions on a very rational level and it is mostly turned to its critical side. 70% of all daily thoughts are critical, very often severely cynical. If you have ever had the opportunity to stay in the Ashram at least for a short while, you have had the opportunity to encounter a huge, very often a severe dose of cynicism on all sides, on and off the stage.

In order to pronounce and chant Sanskrit words (Sanskrit is not any religious language but one of the oldest languages ​​of the people) the mind does not have to deal with criticism and intellect but should feel with the heart.

The meaning of mantras is very difficult to translate into any of the linguistic languages, especially difficult or better impossible for those people who have more spiritual than material potential in their spirit.

Of course it is possible that a person in such places as the Ashrams can have a beautiful experience, however, such gatherings and experiences should not be confused with true occult and psychic powers.

As with all streams of life, one should not allow oneself to be manipulated by any other person or system. It is up to the person to try and decide what brings him freedom in emotions, mind, spirit, heart, body and soul.

By concentrating on sacred, powerful words from the heart and not necessarily from the mind, one can develop siddhis, occult and psychic powers.

Science has so far confirmed that the repetition of the Sanskrit mantra changes the frequency of waves in the brain.

Powers Attained by Samadhi


Samadhi is total illumination, supramental consciousness and cannot be mistaken with any other state of human consciousness.

Samadhi itself is already a huge occult and psychic power.