Organizing Human Mind

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THE BRAIN. Exhibition METAMORPHOSIS, TWINS, Athens, Greece. www.


Life is born, it will one day be extinguished and between these two natural events human mind, the very nature of spirit and soul should be strengthened and silenced, encroached and abandoned, recognized and transformed.

All life is therefore a challenge. The morning transforms yesterday, the night offers the transformation of life’s content from the day before and the head thinks now. And about tomorrow a man can know when he is older than he is now.

Can Spirit be Organized?


It is possible to organize human mind.


The man behind the eyes carries the most complex organ on the planet. And he’s never satisfied.


Each head plays some games. Some heads will try to grind someone else’s head and heart down with own ignorance, weak psyche or provincial spirit. Someone will flatter you, someone will be someone else, and thus be harmful to yourself and all humanity. This is how it looks in our world. However, what is truth to one head is not truth to another.

The truth is that every living person can organize his own spirit, body and soul. These could be even very well organized.


But for that, one has to be spontaneous and brave as a kid. It is necessary to nurture the most beautiful in oneself and not the worst in others, which means to practice peace and not war.

Tolerance is a strong human trait. Tolerance is strenuous and requires a lot of renunciation. Closing the rusty door of the mind and opening a new one is a long mission.

But even the toughest missions are possible.

What each human and its mind needs to do is recognize own energies and get them to defend its own defense mechanism against all harmful pollution, first of all the internal ones, because all wars are fights in the head. When wars die, both body and spirit can transform. And the soul evolves.


Nothing is impossible.


This entire website takes you through the stairs and paths to inner peace, entire health, and self-realization.