It is All About Unification


Does such experience as unification exist?

Is it only a string of voguish sayings?

Unification with whom? Is it about union with the divine?

Why is all that for?

Are only pure hearts can experience unification?

What about enlightenment?

Can we be one life and one spirit with very truth?

How is it call that very truth?

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Harmonious Whole


A man has to start somewhere whatever question he wishes to be answered.

There are many things to put aside and to put together, to purify, to get rid of, to open and close. There are many yes and many no which has to be decided.

The true self can come to the expression only when it is united with its own body, senses and spirit.

The Word Yoga...


… has its root in sanskrit, one of the oldest languages in the world and the language of Yoga. There are many meanings of this word. Wilson in his dictionary (1832) describes yoga with 30 different meanings, some of them are:

Junction. Meeting.

Religious and abstract meditation. Union with the Supreme Being by means of abstract contemplation.

Connexion of one thing with another as of cause with effect, predicate with subject, quality with substance. Consequence. Result.

The main end or object of any thing or act. (In astronomy).

The leading or principal star of a lunar mansion.

The twenty-seventh part of 360° of a great circle measured on the plane of the ecliptic, and used in calculating the longitudes of the sun and moon; each Yógas has a distinct name; astrologers also enumerate twenty-eight Yógas differently named from the foregoing, and corresponding with the twenty-eight Nakshatras, or the divisions of the moon’s path, but varying according to the day of the week. 30 A period, or the time during which the sum of the motions of the sun and moon amount to one Nakshatra, the mean duration of which is 23hs. 47′ 44“.


Monier-Williams in his dictionary (1872) describes yoga with over 70 different meanings. Some of them are:

the act of yoking, joining, junction, conjunction, uniting, union, contact; the harnessing or putting to (of horses); a yoke, a supernatural means, charm, incantation, spell, magic, magical art; fraud, deceit, a combination or configuration of stars, a constellation, asterism, fixing the mind on a particular point and keeping the body in a fixed posture.

As a Profound Science About the Human-Cosmic Forces


Yoga is a complete and therewith a very complex Journey.

Actually it is a very noble gymnastic for a mental and a soul beauty.

Many people are convinced that material things or anything what comes from outside can bring serenity into their hearts and piece to their mind. But 5000 years ago, Rishis and Maharishis, the ancient sages and seers knew how to mastery own senses and how to come into the unity with own self, with others and with nature. This unity is called Yoga.

The first mention of Yoga appears in Rig Veda.

The Oldest Treatise On Yoga


The oldest and most explicit treatise on Yoga is the Katha Upanishad, one of the 108 Upanishads or the ancient Indian texts, and it says that the body is the car, the mind is the charioteer, that senses are the horses, the sense objects are the roads, the mind is the reins and the self is the traveler (the soul).

It is only the oldest treatise on Yoga. What Yoga is, it is very hard to define.

But the words that closely can unite human feelings, experiences, sayings, studies and mystic with higher forces will be:

Yoga is The Unity of Man in Body, Senses, Spirits and Souls