




What is most sacred to me is now attacked – my joy about the richness of the soul of every child on earth.

And yours valuable human qualities, hope and belief in the beauty and freedom of your own soul, are attacked. And even more than that – someone is today playing with your child’s life, very fast and very aggressive.

If it is called division then with this message, once again, I am appearing from the side that stands for the light and beauty of human life and not for darkness and ice.

Before it is too late, I am sending these messages to all parents whose hearts and souls have sadly so far slept in some sad, dark and icy coffin.


Dear parents,

It is not about hatred, rival, quarrel or any kind of competition about who is smarter, inside and outside the laboratory.

It is about correctness, human dignity, justice, the right to ask and to hear direct, smart and from many independent scientists confirmed answers about why you should not vaccinate your child and children of your child with so called Covid-19 vaccine.


As children back then, we all got vaccines against all kinds of diseases, in a row, year after year, although they vaccinated us against diseases that had disappeared 20-30 years before we even were born. However, the vaccines we got in our time were studied for several years and have been made with one goal – to protect us from a specific disease, was it tetanus, typhus, whatever, there were several of them.


The fluid they call the covid-19 vaccine today has little to do with what you got as a child yourself.

Direct and clear:

You have to sacrifice yourself for your children more than ever.

Should I, who did not breastfeed, remind you of that?


Parents, you have the right to ask and to know.

Because of my personal feeling, education, joy about every newborn animal or flower and above all because of the twinkle of the soul in children’s eyes, because of my personal opinion that this disgusting liquid is not a vaccine but an experiment on human beings, I will call a new covid-19 vaccine against the Covid pandemic simply: a laboratory mixture or a “vaccine”.

You have very urgent things to do before you take your child or your child’s child straight from the playground and carefree childhood or send him from the school desk to the doctor’s chair:



To anyone who forces you to inject the child with this laboratory mixture, you have to ask uregntly. Those questions are very important and you have the right and still have time to ask and get the answers!

The most important and responsible at this moment are the physicians and doctors. They are buying the “covid-19 vaccine” and they are giving it to your child. They are responsible.

It is your human right to ask! Not only as a human being with the power of thinking but as part of the constitution of the state in which you live.

Ask your doctor and look for concrete, direct, scientific and honorable answers at least to these few questions, that will be enough for you to make a right and most clever decision in your life:

Will the laboratory mixture they inject into your children’s innocent and over time naturally perfectly resistant body poison their blood any time soon, occasionally and / or for life?

Will the chemical arrows of that laboratory mixture in the syringe turn against the nature given and over time the perfect immunity of your child’s body and destroy it systematically and forever year after year?

Does he guarantee that this injected covid-19 “vaccine” laboratory mixture will not cause cancer and leukemia in your children?

Does he guarantee that your children will one day be able to be parents with that injected mixture in their bodies, just as they would be if they lived without that laboratory mixture injected in their bodies?

If they do become parents, is he sure that this injected laboratory mixture will not be the cause of the poisoned blood of your children’s children, and whether your children’s heart, brain and organs will develop most naturally, just as your own heart, brain and all organs were developing and are developed despite all the vaccines you have got yourself when you were at the age of your children?

Will your children be able to think and show the talents that are given to them, which they also inherited from you or your ancestors, with that injected laboratory mixture?

Does he guarantee that after that injected mixture your children will be able to receive and give love like any human being, like me to you and your children, like you to your children and in a way even more to children’s children?

Does he guarantee that his new “vaccine”, any “vaccine” called the “covid-19 vaccine ” does not have a substance that will make your child uncontrollably and harmfully active?
That thing is professionally called Amphetamine.
Mention that chemistry to him and ask him once more if he is sure that there is no a single trace of this chemistry in that syringe, please. He is an expert, not us, although some of us have a great understanding of life and death.

Can he confirm to you that his new vaccine is not a combination of the experiments of only several of his colleagues, as conscientious as he is?
Mention genetic engineering to him, your question will be clearer to him, and listen carefully to his answer.

Does he guarantee that that laboratory mixture that he calls the “covid-19 vaccine” does not contain rat or monkey DNA? DNA is information that every living being inherits from its mother, its father, its grandmother, grandfather, grandmother of their grandfathers, grandfathers of their grandmothers… from generation to generation, it is one information about everything, a lot of information in one.

Does he guarantee that your children or your children’s children will be able to sleep at night just like if they slept before they got that laboratory mixture injected in their blood?

Does he guarantee that this laboratory mixture that he is preparing to inject into your children’s body will not disrupt the perfect system in their bodies so that they will start to gain weight uncontrollably and one day have a much higher weight than they will be able to carry on their naturally given perfect skeleton? When no more advice even from the best natural, alternative or holistic physician or doctor will be able to help them.

Ask your doctor if he has heard of phylogeny and ontology?

It is the sum of your child’s entire life from the moment you voluntarily merged your cell with the cell of another human being and so with happiness, love, god, destiny, or whatever you call it, gave new life, all until death of your child.
Even those who with theirs calculated love extended theirs species, even they calculated life by their free will.

The greatest friendship in life is the exchange of life.

These friendships we make with our free will.

Your doctor who is about to inject your child, or has already injected, also likes to exchange the joy of life with his children, with smaller children perhaps on one of the blue horizons unattainable for you, with students perhaps at the Christmas dinner with other loved ones. It is that genesis, that birth, that emergence of infinite friendship and exchange of life. With free will.

Your child can’t decide alone whether it will be vaccinated or not. But your child is a living being who has the right to live life exactly as nature and not a laboratory mixture of rich people from some for us all unattainable horizon, gave him. A laboratory mixture for which no one knows which consequences will this most expensive liquid and the greatest experiment on human beings will have for your child’s spontaneous and naturally pure thoughts, for his infinite talents and abilities, for his pure heart and native goodness. The consequences on thoughts, capabilities, talents, kindness and soul of his offspring.

Life is a best friend. For the sake of the world, isn’t the life of your child and their children for you the holiest in the world?

Mothers, should I, who have not breastfed, beg you not to sacrifice a child for this disgusting experiment?

Fathers, remember your joy, your sweet (and to your wives sweet and childish) confusion, your inexplicable ecstasy of joy and the endless happiness of the day and hour when you and your, with your free will chosen, wife, gave another life to our beautiful planet.

Remember your thoughts when you were taking your child to kindergarten every morning, and remember every night you slept next to your child, for years, one after the other.

Remember every worry and every uncompromising renunciation.
Should I remind you not to sell those mornings and nights for a laboratory experiment?

No. No honest and smart doctor with a clear conscience, open mind and heart will inject his child with this new laboratory mixture so called covid-19 vaccine  because neither science, nor conscience, nor honor, nor intuition, nor love for his child and all living beings will allow him to do it. Beside that, he also gave a Hippocratic oath.

Ask your doctor if he guarantees that after his “vaccine” all your children’s cells will be equally alive and generally aware of receiving oxygen and if your children’s lungs will be as strong and healthy as they would be in their natural life without that injected “vaccine.”

EVERY cell has a memory.
Our body is an incredibly intelligent system and I will never stop respecting, loving and nurturing that wonderful system, everyone who has attended at least one of my classes in the last ten years or seen me at least once in unity with a tree, water, animal, flower or child knows it.

Ask the doctor, in the end, if he will, really, inject your child with that laboratory mixture with a clear conscience.


And the numbers are there, not just the soul in the children’s eyes.

In the European Union, from 2015 to 2017, 9,388,162 animals were sacrificed for experiments of all possible drugs in the world.
Major U.S. pharmaceutical and biotech companies spend $ 10.5 billion a year on those experiments and on drug production. I have no idea what a billion is, I have no sense of what it means when a number has nine more zeros behind it, especially not in money but tears come to my eyes when I think of all those zeros and millions of lives of innocent animals which died in fear poisoned from the chemistry with which they are experimented. And only about fifteen percent of all animal experiments in the world become usable for the human species.

The experiments and research that are being done on these poor animals for drugs are not being done for vaccines, nor is it being examined whether these poor mice will be able to be parents tomorrow, whether the mice will become something completely different, whether they will be resistant to diseases, or whether they will be able to react to cold, heat, light or night as nature or God has given to them- in case you believe that God created mice.

These sad experiments on animals are done in laboratories for years before as something what is worthwhile and safe arrive in our countries. The vaccines we got when we were children have been studied for five to eight years and more.

Human being is not a mouse. Human being has huge abilities of heart, brain, expressions of the soul. He has countless talents and gifts. He can see, judge, think, learn, create.
Your child is a human being, not an experimental mouse.

Only a year has passed since the beginning of the competition of the World’s laboratories for the production of the laboratory mixture which today is called the “covid-19 vaccine”.

Parents, before you hand over your child to the doctor and his syringe, ask the doctor if he thinks that instead of a mouse, rat, ferret or monkey (the laboratories mutate the monkey before using it for an experiment), your child is now actually an experiment.

Your children have more awareness than most of us were at their age, it is normal, it is a time of the internet and fast learning, but your underage children cannot choose for themselves whether to submit to a laboratory experiment or not.
Children do not choose, you choose.
You have free will.
Don’t say later that no one told you that yes, there was a choice!

Parents, ask, study, fight.

Parents of schoolchildren, fight rather to pay a fine because your child was not vaccinated with that laboratory mixture than to sell your and your child’s dignity to the words labs.
Parents of my dearest little children, for the sake of the world, sacrifice your time, your senseless strive for material things, be humbler.
The bill for the egoism and ignorance of us adults today, this time in the history, will be paid by children with their lives tomorrow.

That tomorrow is not as slow as our tomorrow was.

Look for your personal balance. All your children need now is your personal balance.
You will be able to balance yourself personally only if you personally and in detail get information about the most important things right now from serious, responsible, honest people and professionals who know how to love their lives, the lives of their children and every other child.

A parent who wants a better life for his child than his own is a parent of a healthy soul.

There are many professional and sincere researches in the last year whether that laboratory mixture called “covid-19 vaccine” which they are going to inject to your child could be called a vaccine anyway, as well as how dangerous it is and it could be for your children and children of your children. Many papers, books and videos are removed from the internet. Why?

Please take an interest in the correctness of the vaccine Covid-19 story and study these studies with your innate logic and wisdom.

I am not a doctor, nor a graduate molecular biologist, nor in the least a pharmacist but I have personally studied many analyzes and watched many videos, published and recorded mostly from dedicated and honest German experts otherwise I would not mention a single piece of information here if I felt that they are wrong and manipulative.

My mother was with all her soul a dedicated nurse, I grew up next to the “white coats”, finished the training for molecular biology and biochemistry technician more than 30 years ago, studied biology, graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts, in Germany and Thailand I did other trainings and educations.

As a professional yoga teacher, and sometimes was a lecturer, it is in my soul to remind you that a health and life of your children is the most valuable treasure in the world for you and for all of us.

The theme of my life is always the same: the joy of life in general, we humans, our treasure in body and spirit, the truth of our souls and in souls of children, innocent above all.


If the truth and the soul of innocent children are most important to me who did not breastfeed, then what, in the world, is more important to you, mothers, who breastfed, or to you, fathers, who once took those beautiful shiny eyes to kindergarten and brought them to this day?

So, should I, who did not breastfeed, beg you not to sacrifice your children for this experiment on human beings?

Please preserve pure blood, pure cell, pure mind, pure heart and soul of your children as it is!

They don’t know and do not have to know now what some things like spike protein is.

They don’t know that laboratory mixture in a syringe what they are going to get was not tested on millions of poor animals yet.

They don’t know that they are a living experiment and the living earnings of only several people in the world.

But you know.

From my soul, I will repeat what the wonderful soulful Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said:

How can you?


Many videos and papers of honest and soulful scientists have been removed from the internet in the last year, fortunately there is still enough confirmation that the so-called covid-19 vaccine is not what they are selling to you and that it has plenty of dangerous side effects.

Ourselves we didn’t have so many dangerous side effects on our brain, blood, psyche and soul of any vaccine we got back then.

I myself am a complete naturalist and completely committed to natural, holistic and alternative lifestyles and I consider every drug and every vaccine a chemistry that has a chain of side effects in our bodies but in my feeling and opinion this vaccine is the greatest experiment on human beings with most dangerous side effects.

If we have so many reported and even more unreported side effects in just a few months of injecting this laboratory mixture in human bodies, what kind of life awaits your children and you if you agree to inject your child or yourself be injected with this laboratory mixture?

Please search on youtube, simply and soulfully explained:

Immunity and Immunization:


Perspectives on the Pandemic , “Blood Clots and Beyond” :


Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: On the difference between Corona and Flu:


Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Any sense in vaccine against COVID?:



One of the websites:


For all human souls and theirs goodness.

kovid-19 vakcina covid-19-vaccine