Theft and Other Life Paths


Everything has its price. Every thought, every deed.

Sooner or later one will pay the price in one way or another.

The only thing that remains after us are our deeds. The only thing that remains after our parents are theirs deeds if we don’t think of couple of material things they left behind which can be very useful to us but sometimes can load our own life with a great trouble and burden.

About Taking Away as Animal Instinct

Taking away from others what does not belong to us is an animal instinct. This instinct is native to us because our race is the race of the human animal. Where the evolution of the animal consciousness ends, the human begins.

The life of those people who are trapped at the last level of animal development, and the first level of human consciousness development, takes place at the animal level. At that level, life is driven by greed and a desire to possess. In the life of man of modern civilizations it looks like this:

I’m a kid and the bike is just mine.

taking away

Then I grew. Finished school. Then I monetized my education. Then I secured a box for living for myself. Found a woman, made offspring with her, maybe I got a dog or cat, and it’s all mine. The bike, which in the meantime has become a four-wheeled box, and a four-legged companion, belongs to me, my wife is mine, my children are mine and also their right to human individualism and deciding on their own lives, everything is mine and everything belongs to me .

It is exactly the same instinct as the instinct of a herd of wolves or hyenas with the difference that hyenas and wolves know exactly who, what and how much they belong to. For more than that, they don’t give their lives.

And so, ever since it has erected itself on two legs and thus straightened the spine, man, as a human animal, has been wasting the potential of his spine and the unlimited power of human consciousness on what is actually typical of herds of wolves or hyenas.

Close Encounters of the Third Time


You must have come across some particularly interesting women’s ideas, but also those of the other or by the (now recognized) third gender.

Women without love and more often without intuition, which they naturally have in a large amount, often think that your husband or partner would be better suited to her and her home than to you and your home.

If they try to implement this unfortunate idea in a house that looks more like a bird house than an ice cavity without love, such ideas are definitely ridiculous.

It is funny because, when two people find themselves at the heart level there are no cracks to do someone else’s work because in such castles there is neither drive for possession nor for obedience.
On the contrary, if a house of two people has a crack, nothing is called stealing, taking away or anything like that and everything should happen just as it happens because no window in that dusty brickyard opened its sashes to love, effort, good will and even curiosity,


             after all.


So live relaxed and strive to recognize and preserve your own qualities and the right qualities will answer you. Let the tolerance be your personal teacher. And also accept the fact that you are not the center of the world and that the world does not revolve around you.
And the world will be yours.

People Can Steal and Take Away From You Only What is Visible


Surely there are people in the world who have moved away from that low animal urge of abduction and taking away, which is a conditional reaction to possession.

People who have developed their consciousness to higher levels, the four walls in which they live, the box they drive, books that stand in their personal library, shovels in the garden, saws in basements, banknotes under wallpapers, the body of the partner they live with, and even their children, they do not feel and therefore do not treat as personal property.

How on earth can anyone posses someone else’s body, consciousness, mind or heart? There is the tragedy of the human ego, which is given to us as the most evolved being on earth to evolve into even more developed ones, not to fall back on the primitive level of one human monkey or one hyena.


Smart books and wise men are man’s best friend.

Whenever you return to a smart book, there is an old smart friend waiting for you, who inspires you to transform smartly.

This is probably why it is said that stealing a book is not a sin.

How many books in our shelves have never been returned to their comrades …

Comrades, however, who have taken entire shelves of valuable books from you to get some extra cash will not forgive even the most holy scriptures. Only a mature heart can do that.

People can take away your land, apartment, car, money, even children, but they cannot take away your goodness, your inner security, your higher consciousness.

These traits are felt with heart and cannot be touched. They can be felt, and the feeling cannot be stolen.

Goodness, humanity and humanity cannot be stolen. Everything else, unless we count the breath without which we would not be here, is not worth sacrificing our own health and well-being.

Copying Means Taking Away Other's Experience, Knowledge and Effort


Every human being is born with limitless creativity. Each man is a unique set of cosmic games and each man is given a unique path and unique perspective in life.

Man, in essence, cannot copy another man’s path.
Each man’s paths are the result of his pure creativity. That is why, in truth, it is impossible to copy someone else’s way of expressing, speaking, listening, learning, teaching or lifestyle in general.


You will be a guest. From your sense of morals and ethics as well as because of certain manners you brought from your home (children learn manners from parents) you will thank your host by dividing the tenant’s fees with him from your heart and not because of duty (where is duty there is no true love but slavery) and you will give him some of your work, the work not only of your hands but also of your unique creativity, skill, effort, feeling for warmth, goodwill and maybe heritage.

The quicker the better the person will eliminate you from all the “friends lists” and instead of you there will be a store with, of course, neither about the same parts, nor about the same soul, if at all with the soul.


Don’t forget, true Empresses are the deep bonds of the heart and the Universe.

taking away oduzimanje kradja kopiranje


For years my classes and lectures in Germany have been attended by so-called yoga teachers whom I always and gladly hosted both in classes and at home. One day, my warmest welcome guest told me that he was coming to my classes and lectures to see how I was doing it so he would do the same.

It is not good. That path has short legs and even dirtier hands. And the hands are in direct contact with the heart. The heart reigns, not its surrogates.

An unlucky one who is in love with himself does not see what kind of fool he is making of himself. It has always been that way and it will be with such a disaster.


Copying others seems very little intelligent because there is no originality and truth in copying. Every person has an innate sense of truth and sooner or later makes a difference with a big D. When one will make a difference depends on the degree of maturity at which one’s personality is. Growing up in unhealthy families, this innate sense of truth is transformed into a subconscious need to be constantly lied to and deceived, and to be guided by fraudsters. This path provides an easier escape and blur of this deficiency as well as immaturity. Yet, people know deep down what is true, but still choose to constantly live in lies.
However, people whose heart is enough mature and mind stable, one cannot cheat.

Copying others is cheap, pointless, fast-paced shortcuts that kill the treasure of originality that is naturally given to every human being. Shortcuts are slippery paths, one can easily stumble upon a stone and injure himself or even twist his own spirituality. Thus, to the detriment, the opportunity to develop one beauty of individuality more on earth will disappear.

In addition, copying is also a type of theft and in theft there is neither good parental upbringing nor quality personal ethics and personal morality, two traits that make us aware of humans and not wild beasts because consciousness flows through our spines that connect us to the cosmos and higher forms of existence of our human consciousness.

Through the blood of wild beasts flows a hunger for abduction and taking away.

Be Wild and Nurture Your Wild Creativity


Copying, or taking away is, after all, a pure waste of energy at the expense of developing one’s own, wild creativity.

A copier is a copier.

Humans have been given much more ability than a copier has, so people who copy are more like machines with a brain, but with no sense.

Nurture and develop your intelligence and creativity right from where it is right now. Nothing else brings peace of mind and tranquility of heart than being occupied with one’s own spirit and heart.

That is the greatest treasure of human life.

Every Person is a Real Treasure


Once this truth is felt and experienced with one’s own soul, there is no need for robbery, taking away, imitation, copying.

A man who once recognizes and develops his personal values and his unlimited creativity has no need to copy anything and anyone. In such a human being jealousy, envy, malice, hatred, fear, greed as well as a huge dose of duplicity do not reside.

When man is united with his own and with the cosmic energies, there is no need to lie, for lie is also the taking away of truth from another.

What one party gets is taken away from the other.

All that remains after the unification of human consciousness with itself and with that cosmic is a pure self, a true treasure for each individual as well as for all humanity.

Theft and Hungriness


Living in a country that has gone through and is still undergoing phases through which many countries on the planet fortunately have not gone through, I myself witnessed the nights when my head, before falling asleep, would ask the coming morning what would keep my body alive that one, the next day.

I carry this experience not only from the country I come from. This experience I have from every country I have lived. And so from Germany where I have been teaching yoga for the last 10 years.

It is a tremendous challenge and an even greater skill to remain moral when the stomach is empty.

The main drivers of this challenge are parental upbringing, financial and emotional state of the family, personal mentality, personal sense of justice and honesty.

These are high human qualities.

Morality in the West is often not the same as morality in countries where poverty is a faithful companion of many. The same is with crime.

In rich countries, human life has turned into enchanted cocoon of abundance. It’s hard to give, though one takes gladly and very happily. Much is saved in the name of multiplying what is already abundant.

Western countries live by calculation and saving at all costs, the cost of what makes us divine beings, which is giving. Life is led by a cold head. Hearts become alienated from themselves. The power of Eastern wisdom hardly penetrates such hearts.

Very few people know of the simplicity that says that it is much better to have nothing than to grab, because in the end, what goes around comes around.

With Theft Against Injustice


Such revolutionary reactions have existed ever since there was both division in human society and the blind greed of those who have too much to have even more.

What they have in abundance is taken away from others. It has always been so and it will always be. We are but human animals.

Underestimation by one group of people on earth and a sense of justice by another group have led some to become real creative masters of the restoration of justice, precise, Real bold and original masters of stealing what has been taken away from others anyway.

Organized Crime


Being a “Homo Balkanicus” with a vast experience of all things I am writing here about, I must tell you that organized crime or organized taking away is definitely not Made in the Balkans, or made by politicians of countries with similar levels of corruption.

There is no country in the World that is free of corruption, taking away and theft although in many countries it is so shaped that ordinary mortals do not starve because of it.

Now, whether is it okay if a perfectly organized Yugoslav group Pink Panther responds to (world) injustice by taking away in 1 minute and 47 seconds what belongs to someone else (or having been abducted from others for decades) letting to the all World a clear and honest message why they are doing that, whether you will agree with those very visible and concrete (and creative) rebels who don’t bring hungriness into any stomach on the planet, it remains to your personal sense of justice and honesty to evaluate.

oduzimanje taking away


Will you support wars, weapons production, food-killing genocide (what have you eaten today?), the daily shameless thefts organized by the leaders of the countries where you live while being yourself an silent and “invisible” part of the non-creative and degrading crime that by taking away for themselves makes thousands of people on earth hungry and starving to death or not, it is part of your personal ethics, morals, level of awareness, feeling for others and for a sense.

Yoga Psychology


In Yoga this moral attitude towards others, not taking away and being honest, is called Asteya.

Yoga Sutra 2.37:

„When a man becomes steadfast in his abstention from theft, all wealth comes to him.“