What I Promise You


I promise you nothing.

Taking part in my Hatha Yoga classes I do not promise you anything. Neither that you will be flexible as a rubber, nor that you will lose your weight nor that you will become Yoga yourself.


What Matters Most in Life and in Practice of Hatha Yoga


As Yoga is not a fitness but the science of the soul, if you practice Yoga techniques:

with big humility,

with honesty,

with patience,

with deep understanding of softness,

with proper diet and self control,

with tolerance toward and acceptance of your own weaknesses be these of your joints or your mind,

with strong willpower to overcome your own past, your laziness, your need for imitation, your prejudice, anger, enviousness, hate, jealousy, desire to be better than others or feeling that you are worse than others,

you are on the best way to open your body and mind.


The main thing that matters on this path is that you have to truly critically explore deep basis of your own being and consciousness.

And the results will come.

You Have My Support


I am supporting you in all this with all my heart and experience.

Every human is a true treasure and every single human being has always been and will always be supported by me on his own path of understanding of his authentic own-self and living free of diseases of his body, mind, senses and spirit, as much as possible.


The Real Knowledge Is a True Treasure


It is always better to try yourself than to mere read the books or to let yourself be guided by other’s opinions and rules.

The only real knowledge is the one that comes from the inner knowledge.

The inner knowledge comes from inner experiences.

The inner experiences come from the inner sacrifice.


Leonard Cohen says in his “Anthem” Forget your perfect offerings, let the light come in.


Also leave your vast expectations behind and let the health come in.

And the health will come.


Take a challenge.

what i promise you