Humans and Animals


Sexual Energy

Differences and Similarities


Without the engine of sexual energy there would be neither animals nor us. It’s not a miracle it’s a biology.

Both animals and we have the ability of self-sustaining although the animals seem here to be much simpler than we.

Just watch how much patience a poor dog must have in order to win a female.
Sometimes we feel like our dog has even fallen in love.

In the early hours of the morning, the male birds are already singing their wonderful songs of invocation every day, which warms the heart and brings a smile on a face of every awaken man.
Just look at how much art and time one male bird of paradise needs to conquer his sweetheart. And often nothing happens.


But how come that so many people on Earth fail in warming so many other’s hearts in such long term.

This fiasco lies in our ego.

Every thought, every word spoken, every act in every man’s life is guided by his ego. The inner life of every human being has not only one self but several. We are multifaceted appearances.

Man’s sexual life is guided by his ego. At what level is the evolution of his ego, is also his sex life. It sounds simple.

seksualna energija sexual energy


Sex, Love and the Universes Between


Psychologists and psychoanalysts are doing a great job but these scientist are mostly limited on dry psychology. It is in fact a new science.

In Serbia was living a great psychologist, psychoanalyst, warmest soul, wonderful Mr. Vladeta Jerotić who has been much more than a scientists. Like many of his colleagues all over the world he was saying that there is no love without sex. Such opinion still belongs to the cliché of Western, closed and rigid science. School psychology, that young science, deals with the mechanical part of a person’s brain. When that science talks about love it deals with a small part of human potential to love. No one will tell you that you are a being with many unlimited potentials and to fix the problem between you and your husband of wife you should look somewhere else.

There are many universes between sex and love for the reason that there are higher levels in human life than animal.


A woman can love a man having thereby no other physical contact except maybe touching his chest by hugging him. A chest protects and nurtures the heart. Some women have been given the wonderful ability to love more than one men at the same time. Same with men.

A human being is given the ability to love not only the other sex (or same sex), his child, his parents, sisters, brothers, friends… Man can love everything and unconditionally. The depth of the air, the infinity, the language of stars, the squirrel’s eye, the sound of leaves in the wind, the energy of the sun… life itself. The word love is one but there are many loves.

Any love that is not conditional is a sublime state of consciousness. Love that brings joy and not suffering is healthy and the only true love. One cannot love now and after that don’t love anymore. Then it has never been love.Likewise, behind every conditional and commanding love that demands and manipulates someone else’s freedom, whether it be to love a child, woman, husband or pet, there is an uncultured ego.
Love does not promise, nor does it hold the reins in its hands. She loves, respects, supports, transforms, builds, elevates, tolerates, sustains life.

Likewise, behind every conditional and commanding love that demands and manipulates someone else’s freedom be that a love toward a child, a wife, a husband or a pet there is an uncultivated ego.
Love does not promise nor does it hold the reins in its hands. Love loves, respects, supports, transforms, builds, elevates, tolerates. Love sustains life.

The dog loves us and does not require anything. We give him a command, he does not give a command to us. He even rewards us. He patiently and faithfully awaits our every move. And that’s why people usually love him. “When I get home my dog ​​is always waiting for me.”

Very few people on Earth have managed to feel another human being in this way and to love unconditionally. A man who has never addressed his personal ego but how many lovers his colleague or boss had will never be free of suffering, feeling of loneliness, rejection, dislike. Unfortunately there is no remedy that can be swallowed that can change these feelings for the better eternally.

Only a strong willpower to get rid of everything that stands in man’s way can do it in depth, truly and permanently. Beauty is everywhere around but man has to stop pitying himself, dealing with things that make no sense and being a beggar. He needs to open his eyes and especially hands, spirit and soul to notice the beauty and to unite himself with it.

Everyone can do it. One just need an idea.


The Hidden Powers in Humans


The earliest science about man says that our spine has two ends, one pointing to the ground and the other pointing to the sky. The lower part of our body carries our sexual organs but also the hidden powers, the powers of human consciousness. Sexual energy is powerful but it is also the grossest aspect of the unmanifested energy.

Old Indian scriptures, as well as Hinduism, are the only ones that do not dismiss sexual energy as taboo but give very practical lessons for transforming that gross level of existence.


Ancient Practice for Self-Realization


Brahman means “ultimate, hidden reality, divinity, absolute, infinite consciousness”, charya means “living in” or “path”.

Brahmacharya is a self-restraint or control. On a mental level it is the absence of thoughts, fantasies and conversations about sex. Biologically it is a control over lust through abstinence, celibacy.

Animals have a power of self-control of that primary energy. Man is a highly conscious being and him is given to consciously choose the path of transformation that unmanifested into a higher energy of being. One who is on such a path is on the path to self-realization. This path like all other paths is only possible when one is committed, correct and honest.

There are many people especially men (a little reminder: these texts are written by a woman) who live life “by the book.”

Certainly there are monks, priests or yogis on the right path but there are more men especially in the West who believe that they  live a  life of a yogi and practice brahmacharya but their minds are unclean. Such delusions lead these poor man to even deeper frustration, neurosis and greater duplicity. All fantasies happen in a head anyway.

The path of brahmacharya is a path of great challenge especially for a man. In their nature fertility and prolongation of the species is deeply imprinted. It’s a biology.


Once I met a very honest American teacher of Advaita Vedanta who said:
„For us westerners it is very hard to be a Swami. One day comes a pretty woman in front of you and everything is over.“

(advaita vedanta, the most significant direction in Indian philosophy, the science of non-dualism, vedanta– “ultimate knowledge”, advaita– non dulaziam: unity of Atman, individual soul and Brahman, the universal, all-pervading soul. Swami, the one who dedicated his life to yoga; spiritual teacher in or out of institutions (Ashrams), an ascetic, according to old teaching and the tradition of a yogic monk…).

Brahmacharya as a stage of life (Yoga) comes naturally when the aspirant is ready and there is no need to torture own body, mind and soul and the natural/cosmic forces. Every true seeker on his path to the ultimate reality and truth will in some point of his life naturally become a brahmachari. This part of the journey on the path of self-realization and union with the higher is much easier in a woman’s life.

As for every sincere path to be a vegetarian and not to be addicted to any external entheogens is of a great importance (en-theo-gono: en – in, theos – god, genesthi – cause; psychedelics, psychoactive drugs. Here I also mean alcohol; “a little glass of vine just to relax”).

Practiced honestly regardless how long this path opens new horizons in life, transforms the powerful sexual energy in creativity and even more powerful energy, the very fine Ojas which strengthens the volition, rejuvenates the cells and prolongs the youthfulness of the mind and body. The body of a true brahmacharya radiates with huge energy and it is very attractive to the opposite sex.

Even married people could be a brahmachari and wisely use their powerful sexual energy which is alike all other human energies part of a Cosmic Force (Maha Shakti ).


sexual energy


Yoga Sutra 2.38:

„When a man becomes steadfast in his abstention from incontinence, he acquires spiritual energy.“