The path of liberation behind him already has many paths, steps, curves, all kinds of soil, paths of psychic or supernatural powers of human consciousness, paths of higher powers of spirit and soul.


It is rare that spiritual literature deals with such a profound transformation of human consciousness and soul and its supernatural powers as ancient Indian texts. The oldest preserved spiritual texts are the Indian Vedas.


Yoga Sutra (sutra – “thread”) is certainly not a religious text, it is a much younger text than the Vedas and in the third chapter speaks of supernatural powers.

The sutras  3.50 to 3.51 speak of omnipotence and intuitive knowledge:

One who at the highest level has recognized the difference between the purest aspect of mind (sattva) and pure consciousness (purusha), and who has risen above the spinning circles of gunas, attains supremacy over all forms of existence and knowledge and the omnipotence of infinite knowledge.

Through separation from the desire to possess these psychic powers, the seed (bija) of evil is destroyed and man attains liberation or isolation (kaivalya).


Liberation is true knowledge and, like any deep knowledge, it isolates but such an isolated person is freed from the darkness of ignorance.


Life of Power, Power of Life


One who is at a high level of existence and development of his consciousness radiates warmth and wisdom. Such a person has an affinity to attract other beings, whether they are terrestrial (at their lower or higher levels of existence) or beings of higher spaces, celestial beings who may be much older and more perfect than human beings.


Yoga Sutra 3.52:

In case of invitation (upanimantrane) by the celestial beings (sthani), one should give himself no cause (akaranam) to attache (sanga) himself to this invitation, smile or pride (smaya), because once again one will (punuh) be undesirable (anista)caught (prasangat) by ignorance.

If a man allows himself to be caught by this sweetness, he will lose the purpose of his path.

If he resists the enjoyment of the sweet attractions of any kind and continue his path his liberation is on his the way. Such person will enrich life of other persons indeed only a life of those who are able to receive the massage. Closed heart is not alive, anyway. Around such heart there is no vibration of any kind.


Yoga Sutra 3.53:

With samyama on single moments (ksana) and their sequence (krama) one gains knowledge (jnana) based on discrimination (viveka).

As long as it pulsates, a body moves together with consciousness through time and space (place) which is life, which is, again, a time game. Death is given to us with life. When stops pulsating the body will stop moving but the consciousness will continue to exist. Many people who experienced death of other person can prove this thought.

The idea of time is understood or experienced by each of us different but the truth is that in our daily functioning time (or better our sense of time) is what will often cause stress in our lives.

It is said that time is an illusion but this could only be acknowledged through concentration, meditation and samadhi which is samyama.


In deepest samyama there is no time and no space, there will be no beginning and no end of time, no beginning or end of life but only a pure undivided intuitive life which is a pure reality, the pure soul.


But this state can only be experienced by those who can detach themselves from the body as a physical, mathematically known structure. In this state one will get the precise answers about one’s mysterious being, about the past and future and the insight of the change, transiency and immortality.


Yoga Sutra 3:54:

With possession of that knowledge based on discrimination, one gets the ability to make a difference (anyata) between two (apparently) same objects which normally can not be differentiated (anavachchhedat) by species or genus (jati), specific characteristics or signs (laksana) and place (desha).

This is not about discrimination performed by reason (intellect) but rather an intuitive distinction where, with no doubt, a rough but the finest difference is made between the innermost nature of any kind of being or object.


Yoga Sutra 3.55:

Knowledge which is born (ja) of knowledge of discrimination (viveka) is a transcendent (tarakam) comprehensive knowledge of all (sarva) objects (visayam) in every moment and in all their aspects (sarvatha), and it is with no logical order (akramam).

Self-Realization Is a Direct Intuitive Perception of the Supreme Self

Logic is useful for discrimination in everyday life and this path is better than no path. But since the logical path is the done-by-low path and as all rules and laws, forms a set of limits making self-destructive and generally wastingly mistakes.

A man can train his reason in one particular area of interest but in many other areas such mind will be totally blind and incapable.

Pure intuitive knowledge is knowledge at a high energy level beyond time and place. One who has achieved this kind of knowledge will know each and every person immediately and deeply, in every aspect of his or her existence. That mystical intuitive knowledge makes no mistakes and is beyond doubt. It is trespassing knowledge in the ocean of aloneness and independency of both own and other little, lower selves.

And that is the ability of the sages. By meditation, the sage purified his native egoism which is of great value for inner peace and serene heart. Reading books does not make one a sage. There are people walking on the Earth who have attained knowledge but have not read books. They simply know.


Some people posses innate abilities by which they can solved tasks or combine words with extremely high speed. These are qualities of very highly intelligent persons but have nothing to do with the deep knowledge of the sages, although such innate human acumen can be a fruitful springboard.

The path of liberation is a long way, and only after the gradual practice of this complete book – web page speaks, can one’s existence be guided by pure and not false intuition, for intuition is also a mind-controlling moment.

There are very few people in our entire world who have honestly taken their path of liberation, who have reached this knowledge and who are wise enough to put even this knowledge to the test.

Many wise men have invested their whole lives to check whether their knowledge is right or false.


True insight is a realization in which fullness becomes emptiness. No emotions, no dreams, no visions, just a complete meditative state of much insight. And yet with passion.

Yoga Sutra 3.56:

When the sattva and purusha become equally pure, the absolute liberation (kaivalya) is attained. This is the end (Iti).

Sattva is the purest, the most balanced energy of intellect and when this purified substance reaches the unification (Yoga) with the Purusha (which is a pure consciousness, which is again a man himself), such soul is said to be liberated.

The other two gunas, rajas (a very active energy) and tamas (a dark state of nature) cannot disturb purity and balance of an sattvic energy.

Purusha is pure consciousness. Purusha literally means person, being, man.

When knowledge and Being become one, the highest realm of human existence is achieved.

Kaivalya also means isolation.

Difference between the ordinary mind and liberated soul of the sage is unbridgeable.


Certainly neither ultimate Truth nor liberation (of the consciousness) can be described in any words.


Nothing is impossible.


So, embrace the challenge of Change, embark on a path of liberation, and create new worlds.

“Man is not by any means convinced as yet of his immortality. All the great religions have in concert, more or less positively, affirmed it to him; but no safe logic proves it, and no entirely accepted voice from some farther world proclaims it.

There is a restless instinct, an unquenchable hope, a silent discontent with the very best of transitory pleasures, which perpetually disturb his skepticism or shake his resignation; but only a few feel quite certain that they will never cease to exist.

The vast majority either put the question aside, being absorbed in the pursuits of life; or grow weary of meditating it without result; or incline to think, not without melancholy satisfaction, that the death of the body brings an end to the individual.

Of these, the happiest and most useful in their generation are the healthy-minded ones who are too full of vigor or too much busied with pleasure or duty, to trouble themselves about death and its effects. The most enviable are such as find, or affect to find, in the authority or the arguments of any extant religion, sufficing demonstration of a future existence.

And perhaps the most foolish are those who, following ardent researches of science, learn so little at the knees of their “star-eyed” mistress as to believe those forces which are called intellect, emotion, and will, capable of extinction, while they discover and declare the endless conservation of motion and matter.”

– Sir Edwin Arnold (1832 – 1904), “Death and Afterwards”

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