Concentration, or detaching mind and its deficiency are well known to all and this is not something that should be criticized, overestimated or underestimated.

Concentration was known already to the ancients and it should become our preventative medicine without delay.

concentration detaching mind

Cultivation of a Tempest in the Head
Why do We Need to Cultivate a Turbulent Ocean in our Minds


Everyone knows the feeling when the mind is disturbed and when the eyes as a typewriter always return to the beginning of the same sentence.

It’s also a familiar feeling for many when the mind is slowly floating somewhere far away as someone continues to tell boring stories.

Likewise, everyone knows how tiring and dangerous it can be when the other person holds the wheel while his mind is elsewhere.


Now, if your mind has perfected its self-exclusion while your husband, wife or colleague continues to tell boring stories, and if this doesn’t end painfully for you or others, then that’s great!

However, there are many moments in our lives when a lack of concentration costs us sadness, anger or even hidden greed and when it is actually better for us and others when we are more present. It would definitely be less strenuous if our mind worked more directly and faster without repeating boring actions over and over again.


Life is not about stepping on gas, stacking a wardrobe, getting a “like” or paying attention to “non-likes”. (especially other people’s dislikes should not occupy our time and our mind at all.)


Between every new morning and every night, every human being has the opportunity to domesticate his animal nature and that average, simple part of our mind.

When man manages to transcend that lower part of the mind, then he reveals that infinite, pure nature of human existence. But before that he will be able to spread peace in his daily top priorities, in the house, in the office, on the street, in public transport, in the supermarket, on the high way.

So, the practice of concentration or detaching mind means nothing else then collecting mind.

Desire, Lust, Fears, Memories


There are several reasons why the restless substance, our mind, is not always able to concentrate.


The desire will suddenly become overactive and thus create many other things.

One product of overactive desire is lust.

Both take a lot of time and space. So it is with fears. Whether our fears are conscious or unconscious they quickly consume a large amount of energy potential in our brains.

Then, there are memories from the past.

Plans for the future.

Analyzes and measures the situations, people and environments of the past and future.


And they all tweet their “investigations” all the time and everywhere.


This storm in the mind stands in the way of each of us. And so they block the evolution of new knowledge and discoveries in the lives of each of us. It’s a pity.

Who are the Enemies of Freedom


Fears are the greatest enemies of freedom. They are so strong that many people do not even notice that they have actually completely melted with fears. Unfortunately, many people’s lives are nothing but a bond of fears. So strongly do people identify with fears.

Now, is it still possible to say no to your own fears?


It is possible only when the mind is strong enough to observe itself without any exaggeration or sense of guilt.

Nothing is impossible. All you have to do is exercise and then it will only be a matter of time before the soul itself will be a true Self and not just its fragile, fading afterglow.

Anyone Can Concentrate His Mind


Concentration or detaching mind is like all other mental activities a choice that occurs in the mind.

Consciously separating the mind from its whirlwinds and tumultuous activities is a yogic technique called concentration or Dharana.

The word dharana has its root in the word dhri which means to hold, to carry or to leave.

It is a state in which the mind is focused in one direction. This is called one-pointedness. It is a state of complete concentration. That is a mindfulness.


There are many practical tips for how to domesticate the terrible tempest of mind. Mind is a wonderful thing and the word domesticate refers to calming that part of the mind that instead of the purity of mental peace, produces turbulent restlessness and turmoil.

It is always a much wiser mind who does not transcribe, retell and acquire other people’s knowledge and experience.


For those who nevertheless like to read something, the old texts explain perfectly the concentration, which is the basis for all the higher expansions and unifies of consciousness.

So, go ahead and spread peace.

koncentracija concentration konzentration

photo by: Mira Prica