What Asana Sequence is practiced at this School?

The teaching in this Yoga school (not studio) is based on the original roots in traditional Hatha Yoga and the root of traditional Hatha Yoga is Tantra.

Tantra is the ancient science and the path of human being to his highest powers, creative forces and a fully open heart. (you can get a lot more information about tantra by typing the word tantra into the search box in the upper left corner of this site)

The science of Tantra sees the manifestation of the Soul occurring in a certain sequence. As Hatha Yoga is part of Tantra, it sees the manifestation of the Soul in exactly the same order as Tantra. This order on the physic and psycho-energetic level begins on the crown of the head and moves down to the navel center. Hence, from the gross matter to the subtle.

This sequence of Yoga Asanas with many variations has brought a lot of transformation and beauty to myself and this is the sequence that is practiced in my classes.

shiva the father of yoga asana sequence sekvenca

Shiva, „the father of Yoga“. The original tradition of Hatha Yoga follows the same sequence of the Shiva’s teachings.

I suggest you regular practice.

If you happen to be in the vicinity of Cologne, Germany, you are most warmly welcome to take classes. On the attached pages you can read about art of teaching, what you can expect and what you need to bring to the class.


All other informations you are looking for you will find on the entire book-website

Practicing Yoga Asanas


Between asanas we make a short brake. There are many reasons for that. This way of practicing makes a lot of sense on all levels of body systems, from detoxification of tissues and the entire body to complete calming down the entire nervous system.


It is always wise for each person to try out for himself his own ways to his inner Change and inner Serenity, and universal Peace and Love.

Nothing on Earth is more valuable than that.

I am supporting you on that path with all my heart.