This text is one in a series of texts on how to change old, stale habits and become a noble human being. Supreme knowledge or omniscience is born of practice.


Chaos in the head is sometimes a fruitfully useful thing, but it can also cause a real headache.

People generally fail to tame their rigid habits and bring their chaotic doubts into the correct order. One who has succeeded in it can easily recognize the phenomenon of the omniscience.


transcendentno znanje omniscience

Homer Simpson, Image Source: Internet

Who or What is Omniscient


In history of mankind, the omniscient is denoted as transcendent, the sublime Reality, God, higher consciousness, Universe, universal consciousness.


But these are all just words. Just like oh la la.

Do you know anyone who knows what oh la la looks like?

If oh la la is something or someone of noble spirit, knowledge, power and strength then something or someone is distinguished by omniscient.

It is up to your imagination to make a projection.


There is no book on omniscience and no one can teach anyone what omniscience is.

It’s a pure feeling. Feelings cannot be taught.

Yoga Sutra 1.24:

„Ishvara is a special kind of Being, untouched by ignorance and the products of ignorance (avidya), not subjects to karma or samskaras (impressions) or the results of action.“

In the language of Yoga that what is noble and omniscient is called Ishvara-Pranidhana.

Ishvara means „creative source or supreme teacher“ and pranidhana is practice of presence.

Omniscient, or supreme knowledge is not intellectual knowledge created by inserting as much information as possible in the head.

It is the feeling in the heart of the presence of something bigger and higher.


Once this feeling is experienced it turns into a huge respect for everyone, great feeling and respect for everyone.

When the hands are put together in front of the heart or the point between the eyes, in namaste mudra, this gesture represents not only respect for every human heart but also respect for the higher Being.

Yoga Sutra 2.45:

„As the result of devotion to the Lord (ishvara-pranidhana) one achieves Samadhi.“

Swami Sivananada:

„By self-surrender comes attainment of Samadhi, the superconscious state.“

Samadhi is a neutral state of melted knowledge in its fullness.